This means that something bad will happen to our wetlands.
The poor stork who bought that first-minute ticket and is now shivering in freezing rain. Way too early.
Not going to explain why the photos are so bad. Took them just to make sure I was not imagining things.
Jeden mały poleski skepik walczy z hegemonią kościoła. Mają też destylaty.
Bilingual posting can be difficult. My previous toot about the wolves in my area was supposed to marked as Polish but went out as English. In case you missed it – we have nice wolves here in #Polesia
Time to finish cooking and go to sleep. A park ranger is coming in the morning to pick up that adder (Vipera berus) that had the misfortune of slithering into our small yard. It ended up in a plastic bucket, hissing as loud as such a small (less than 1 metre) snake could hiss, and I put the bucket… Fuck. Where did I put that bucket?
Saw this on today's walk. The winds haven't blown them off. Have to check the generator. Don't worry if I stop posting for a while.
Matka Boska Wytyczyńska, Patronka Pielęgnatorów Drzew.
Wytyczno, gmina Urszulin, powiat włodawski, województwo lubelskie.