The perfect(?) car for the #RuralRoads of #Polesia. Looks like it's an ARO M461, which would make it at least 50 years old, much older than what's left of much younger cars behind it.
Someone went off the road on that curve but managed to get back on track. I told some people who were coming to visit us to wait a few weeks, or leave their car somewhere in the village and let me drive them. If you have never driven on such roads in such conditions it doesn't really matter what monster of a 4WD car you have, and sometimes a small city car with good tires will outperform them. No, I don't consider myself a good driver. But I've driven here hundreds of times and got stuck only a few.
This road is growing a hole. Again. Soon it will be time to start sticking branches in it, to warn other drivers. It's easy to lose a wheel here.
There is one alternative road to the nearest village, a bit longer. And if you know the road you'll be safe. Poor strangers who happen to drive here for the first time.
That's a young one. Hope they'll quickly learn to avoid cars.
Oh, another roadblock. Guess I'll just wait and take some photos.
A tractor passed here a few hours ago so #IdąPsięta must check the road for any potential threats.
A rural road in #Polesia. I'm in the right place at the right time. And I don't necessarily mean this particular location and this hour.
Masza is trying to tell us that this water is very clean. She even convinced Moro to prove it by drinking from the puddle.
It turns out that over the many years on Twitter and almost two years on Mastodon I've amassed thousands of photographs and many image macros (none of which really became a meme) that I can reply with a picture to a lot of things people post here. What I now need is a program (on Linux) to organize those pictures. It would have to let me use multiple tags, add geotagging (manually and from an OSM window in the program), add alttexts, so that the process of posting them would be easier.
Until I find something like this feel free to throw a subject and I'll try to find an appropriate picture. I'm not testing any artificial intelligence, just my own brain.
The main subjects are #RuralLife, #dogs, #wetlands, #fungi, #RuralBroadband, #RuralRoads. I rarely visit any city.
Expect irreverence and weird humor.
The road back home. We need more rain, but going will be tougher.
Are you absolutely sure you want to interrupt me having a drink?
Now that I've lied down in this cool water for a while I'll run home and jump into my people's bed.
The only visible damage after the last night's storm, didn't even bother moving it.
White man's footprint. And white man's tire prints.
From Wikipedia: "Reportedly brought to the Americas by Puritan colonizers, plantain was known among some Native American peoples by the common name "white man's footprint", because it thrived in the disturbed and damaged ecosystems surrounding European settlements"