Guys use hashtags!
Guys use hashtags!
Nie zweifle ich mehr an meiner Solidarität zu freier Software als während der Erstellung einer Präsentation in #LibreOffice.
#WebinarPiF – Gabriele Ponzo – Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere su LibreOffice ma non avete mai osato chiedere
#LibreOffice has a built-in versioning, menu File -> Versions...
If you want to use git instead, save in Flat XML ODF Text Document (.fodt) that saves as XML in one uncompressed file, instead of the zip container .odt (git compresses anyway); the git diffs can be quite confusing though when not strictly using named formatting styles.
Here's a little question for my nerdy office #Linux users.
#Markdown can be version controlled with software like git. Is there a version control solution for #LibreOffice files? I mean, besides trying use git with .odt files directly?
Delstaten har oprettet et Open Source Program Office for at sikre en gnidningsfri overgang. Digitaliseringsminister Dirk Schrödter (CDU) fører an og opfordrer andre regioner til at følge trop. Se mere om projektet her: #LibreOffice #Linux
A go-to #Microsoft #Office alternative just got a huge #privacy and customization update
If you're looking for more privacy in your documents, the #opensource #LibreOffice has just what you need.
@sundogplanets I'm guessing you have considered and rejected #LibreOffice. I wonder why. I've used it for a very long time without issues.
Schleswig-Holsteinin osavaltio tekee sen mitä Suomessakin pitäisi tehdä: heittää kuikkaa MS Officella ja vaihtaa #LibreOffice:en.
Ça fait longtemps que #Linux est prêt pour le bureau.
Il y a tout ce qu'il faut. Il faut seulement essayer de ne pas garder les mauvaises habitudes prises avec #Windows, pour ceux qui feraient la transition.
Le plus souple est de commencer avec la suite bureautique #LibreOffice, #Firefox + #uBlockOrigin, #Thunderbird (qui gère aussi les #agenda, la messagerie #XMPP, etc.)
Puis d'avoir une machine sous Linux.
Tout synchroniser via #Nextcloud.
Et un jour, plus besoin de Windows.
The last segment of my working life was doing technical writing for software companies in #SiliconValley. Understanding the software was easy, I had been a programmer for a long time before becoming a #techWriter.
The hard part was trying to put things into terms my audience would 'get' and I really admire people who can do that.
That’s why I devour everything @Daojoan sends out.
She got me to #Vivaldi and #Joplin and helped me see that privacy and software freedom is more than #LibreOffice and #ProtonMail.
Go read her stuff. You won’t be disappointed.
@mcc @mhoye The #Apple #Newton #Messagepad 2100 was just an excellent device. I still miss certain features it had. For example, you could drag text/images with the stylus and drop it at any edge/margin of the application. You could drop as many snippets as you like. Even if you switch to another page, the snippets were still there and you could drop it.
Here is even an enhancement request for #LibreOffice that is inspired by it:
Las descargas de LibreOffice se disparan con el rechazo a la nube y los modelos de suscripción como principales estímulos
Ha pasado poco más de un mes desde que se lanzó LibreOffice 25.2, la nueva versión de la suite ofimática de código abierto, y la recepción no podía ser mejor:
L'etat allemand du Schleswig-Holstein se lance dans l'Open Source
1. #LibreOffice remplace Microsoft Office
2. #Thunderbird remplace Exchange/Outlook
3. #Linux: à terme remplacera Windows
4. UCS pour remplacer Active Directory.
5. Interopérabilité du logiciel spécialisé 'Fachverfahren'
6. Téléphonie Open-Source
Pourquoi ?
- Souveraineté numérique
- Impératif stratégique
- Donner l'exemple
- "Public Money, Public Code" : les logiciels payés par le public doivent être Open Source.
- Création d'un marché pour les fournisseurs de services européens.
This is the accompanying video regarding the subject
This is how to move a government system from a proprietary software suite to a Free Powerfull OpenSource Suite without telemetry
County DE
Province Schleswig-Holstein
An important aspect is also that the tech giant that they were locked into, is forcing artificial intelligence upon these places, where leaks of information, due to the ridiculous and myticulous telemetry, are an absolute no no
Next I'm considering dropping my #Microsoft Office sub in favour of #LibreOffice. I just need to be sure that compatibility is good enough for work documents (initial testing is good) and/or that I have some alternative workflows for certain tasks that are as good as, if not better than current.
Does #Nextcloud office / #Libreoffice Online have some kind of suggestion mode like Google docs has?
So you can share a doc with someone and they don't get full edit rights, but they can make diff style suggestions to a doc.
Anyone know?
Das Land Schleswig-Holstein steigt 2025 auf Open Source und LibreOffice um
Dass es machbar ist, beweisen fast 3.000 von @Labdoo_D mit IT-Spenden unterstützte Schulen und Projekte, die seit 16 Jahren Linux nutzen.
#labdoo #schleswigholstein #libreoffice #opensource #migration #linux @landesregierung @schleswigholstein
Our #LibreOffice 25.2 "New Features" video is available in 18 languages thanks to our awesome localisation communities! #foss #OpenSource