Apple to Linux Journal - Linux troubleshooting successes!
Today marks one month with Linux and I was glad to solve two of my three issues that have continued since install (connecting bluetooth devices and, separately, audio stutters when streaming). To be clear, these were obviously not deal breakers, just bothersome. Linux Mint is meant to be an easy way into Linux and it absolutely has been. Windows and macOS are not without their problems and...
#Linux #Apple
The atrocious state of binary compatibility on Linux
Lol ran into the oom-killer #linux
Ajoutons que l'utilisation d'un système libre est au programme de la spécialité de lycée #NSI.
Notre salle informatique avec une trentaine de machines #Linux sera inaugurée lors de la journée du libre éducatif #JDLE 2025.
Elle est visible dans notre clip de présentation du projet #NIRD vers 3:08.
(montée avec #kdenlive )
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Retour d'expérience :
Au lycée CARNOT de Bruay (Académie de Lille), nos élèves utilisent #Linux et les #Logicielslibres.
Mais avant de même de penser à inclure ces clients au réseau pédagogique, il nous a fallu d'abord convaincre que nous n'étions pas des excentriques .
C'est épuisant : imaginez que vous deviez résoudre un problème, et avant cela, vous devez convaincre qu'il y a un problème à résoudre.
Vous perdez à cette étape 95 % des personnes motivées.
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ll faut disposer d'une culture personnelle solide pour penser à une alternative lorsqu'on a passé 20 ans d'apprentissage et connu uniquement Windows, Office et Gmail !
C'est mission impossible, la boucle est bouclée : ils/elles seront les premiers à réclamer du #GAFAM au dessert !
Et nous avons besoin d'aide car il est compliqué d'inclure des clients #Linux à ce jour sur les réseaux pédagogiques. Pas pour des raisons techniques : elles existent. Mais il faut les mettre en oeuvre !
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"It works on my machine."
"Have you tried reinstalling?"
"Please file some bug report thing you don't understand."
"You're just ungrateful."
"You don't understand how FOSS works!"
"(Random distro) would be better."
"Don't criticize, fix it yourself!"
#Linux #meme #MySystemDVoiceSynthesizerIsCrashingButIMustScream
SUSE Displays Enhanced Enterprise Linux at SUSECON: via @TheNewStack & @sjvn
Want #Linux support for out-of-date Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS? How about support for SUSE Enterprise Linux until 2047? Then #SUSE is your Linux distributor.
Bootc as a project is one with tons of promise and lots of community support. It's what is powering the next generation of Atomic Desktops, CoreOS, and Fedora IoT, not to mention all of the work that @UniversalBlue has done to show off everything that can be done today.
If you want to follow bootc more closely, regular updates from Fedora's end are shared here. :)
Ever worried about other users on your Linux server seeing what processes are running? The `hidepid` kernel feature is your friend! It makes processes invisible to anyone but the owner and root user, even in system monitoring tools like ps, top, htop, and btop. This is a great way to prevent sensitive information (like API keys or passwords used in command-line arguments) from being exposed. See how to configure it for more info.
Chiedo aiuto al Fediverso.
Tempo fa, non ricordo se sul Fediverso o altrove, venni a conoscenza di alcune realtà che "riciclavano" vecchi pc installandoci su distribuzioni di Linux e suite Open Source tipo LibreOffice. Qualcuno conosce qualche associazione o qualcosa di simile sul territorio milanese? La mia scuola dovrebbe smaltire dei computer che non sono neanche tanto vecchiotti. Ovviamente ritiro gratuito.
Sono graditi i boost.
3.0 of @GIMP is out, and it's a fantastic release with #nondestructive editing for graphics and text, multi-layer selection/editing and a new icon (among many other features, bug fixes and improvements). #gimp #opensource #linux
@heiseonline der entscheidende Satz steht am Ende:
"Die jahrzehntelangen Folgen für #Mensch und #Umwelt sind fatal."
Ein Grund mehr für #unplugtrump und dezentrale, klimafreundliche #datacenter wie zB #datacenterlight oder #windcloud
#Deutschland #foss #linux #it #opensource #ClimateAction #KlimaKrise
Gimp hits 3.0!!!
This version comes 21 years after the release of version 2.0. Gimp 3.0 began development in ~2018.
A long road to implementing GTK 3.0, modernizing its architecture, and adding exciting new features!
Notfall-Linux zur Systemrettung: SystemResuce 12.00 kommt mit bcachefs-Support
Mit dem Arch-Fork SystemRescue lassen sich defekte Linux- und Windows-Installationen retten. Das Update auf Version 12.00 bringt den Support für bcachefs.