When was the last time you got enough exercise?
When was the last time you got enough exercise?
When was the last time you bought flowers for your sweetheart?
Have you started using a password manager yet?
When was the last time you checked the gauges on your fire extinguisher?
You should check every 3 months.
When was the last time you cleaned light fixtures and globes?
You should clean them monthly.
Have you renewed your library card lately?
Do you need a break from the news or social media?
When was the last time you mopped them floors?
Have you started using a password manager yet?
When was the last time you backed up your hard drive?
Consider using the 3-2-1 backup method, maintain three copies of everything, the original and 2 backups using different physical media and keep one backup offsite.
When was the last time you checked for firmware updates on your IoT devices?
When was the last time you gave away something you no longer use to someone who wanted or needed it?
Faire la maintenance habituelle sur le vélo, régler les freins (type v-brake), retirer le support du phare avant, voir que l'élément de maintien (anti glisse) en caoutchouc s'est décollé, réparer le garde boue arrière (déposer, poser deux rondelles, remonter, régler), resserrer les vis qui sont plus serrées (c'est dingue à quel point ça bouge sur un pliant, les nombreux trous et la chaussée déterriorée n'aidant pas.
Rouler un peu, avec la trousse à outils sous la main, vérifier que tout est réglé correctement (le freinage qui était mou est redevenu violent, ça freine fort).
Et cette fois, les 5 000 km sont dépassés.
Lubrifier la chaîne et vérifier son usure (encore bonne, mais il va me falloir en commander une sous peu).
Du coup, vélo paré pour affronter le mois de mars.
"I would estimate that writing the initial code for a feature is about 25% of the total work involved for that feature. The rest is maintenance—testing, diagnosing and fixing bugs, optimizing performance, upgrading it to work with other changes, refactoring, customer support, writing documentation and similarly revising the documentation over time, and possibly ultimately rewriting the code" https://www.construct.net/en/blogs/ashleys-blog-2/reality-long-term-software-1892 by @AshleyGullen
"I would estimate that writing the initial code for a feature is about 25% of the total work involved for that feature. The rest is maintenance..."
"... some developers seem perfectly capable of writing a large amount of complex code, but appear to have little appreciation for maintenance considerations."
Excellent blog post on the true cost of software maintenance.
Here are some of our main takeaways from the EU Open Source Policy Summit 2025:
— Open and collaborative innovation solves the dilemma of #competitiveness and #sovereignty
— Now is the time to invest in open source #maintenance and #security
— Building sustainable open source ecosystems remains challenging but necessary
— Open source is being increasingly regulated in Europe, and the new challenge is #implementation and #compliance
Read more in our new blog:
From this week's Linux Update newsletter, Pete Metcalfe gives you some simple Bash commands for website maintenance
#Bash #web #maintenance #tools #OpenSource
Okey dokey,
I was planning to change my drivetrain in spring when the snow-salt-gravel season is over, but when riding home I felt this oval sensation when pedaling.
And knew the bottom bracket must be living the last days of its life. And yeah, the bearings were pretty shot, so decided to let it retire now. The last two bottom brackets I've ridden until the ball bearings have been literally on the road, and while it's good to use stuff until the end, it sorta sucks when your central axle runs on no bearings.
(It happened to me once during courier work. The drive side bearing just exploded and I rode the last order of the day having bearings only on one crank while the drive side turned in the empty bearing cup. It felt super weird and isn't effective, but you can do it.)
When buying your #network #connected #devices, make sure that vendors #support matches your #expectations. Devices might be #EoL even thought they are still being sold
. #Maintenance is hard - our decade old Turris 1.0 still receives #updates (contrary to the industry standards) and it is not easy
. Sometimes you can #reflash the device with your own #firmware to fix the #security issues, so prefer devices from vendor that pushes their #hardware support #upstream. https://vulncheck.com/blog/zyxel-telnet-vulns
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Tyvärr har vi fortfarande intermittenta problem med Telia och får dålig respons.
Jobbar du på Telia eller känner du någon där, specifikt deras fiber, kontakta oss