Secondo nuove indiscrezioni, macOS 16 potrebbe portare al Mac il supporto per touchscreen, segnando una potenziale rivoluzione nell'interazione utente. #macOS16 #Mac #Touchscreen #Apple #Rumors
Secondo nuove indiscrezioni, macOS 16 potrebbe portare al Mac il supporto per touchscreen, segnando una potenziale rivoluzione nell'interazione utente. #macOS16 #Mac #Touchscreen #Apple #Rumors
Hey, Apple Intelligence: Ist Siri noch zu retten? | Mac & i-Podcast
Wie gut spricht Apple Intelligence Deutsch und warum bekommt Apple Siri nicht in den Griff? Das beschäftigt uns in Episode 94.
macOS: Erneut Spekulationen über Touchscreen-Fähigkeit
Im Zusammenhang mit aktuellen Gerüchten über ein Apple-Foldable gibt es auch wieder Spekulationen über ein Touchscreen-macOS. Doch was ist dran an der Idee?
I have an old #mac mini in the office, and would like set up a persistent reverse tunnel so I can always SSH in from home.
Running the ssh command manually isn't a problem, but how do I turn this into a persistent service on #macos so it restarts when the connection drops for whatever reason? Anything in #homebrew ? (The Mac in question is on #mojave 14.7 IIRC, if that helps.)
heise+ | Eleganter Präsentator: Bezel-App für Mac im Test
Bezel bringt Bildschirminhalte von iPhone, iPad und Apple TV auf den Mac.
Next, I compared the good and bad files in Hex Fiend. The good ones had an "lh1" signature in the header, while the bad ones had an "lh5."
Okay, clearly they were using different compression methods. But how could I extract the lh5 ones?
Googling turned up this Keka issue on GitHub -- -- which mentions a different problematic Atari ST LZH file on Discmaster and how dexvert handles it fine.
Interesting discovery today ... Came across a cache of 20 issues of "Express Times", an electronic newsletter for sysops running BBS Express! ST software on the Atari ST.
But all 20 issues were .LZH archives. I tried to open them on my Mac using Keka, but only about half of them worked.
So I booted Hatari and used UNLZH, but it also began throwing CRC errors for several files.
#Macos #mac Mac users, there’s an update to GIMP 3.0 called revision 1 that fixes missing tabs on the Colors windows
You will see the file ends with -1.dmg now.
Thank you to all who reported it!
heise+ | Hackintosh mit AMD Ryzen 9000 bauen: macOS 15 auf aktueller PC-Hardware
Lust auf macOS, aber keine auf Apples Hardware? Dann bauen sie sich doch einen Hackintosh. Das geht sogar mit dem neusten macOS 15 und aktuellen CPUs.
My Laserwriter 4/600 PS Adventure!
KeyCue 11: Tastaturkürzel lernen auf dem Mac in neuem Gewand
Viele macOS-Apps lassen sich per Tastatur flotter bedienen als mit der Maus. KeyCue 11 kennt sie für alle Programme und zeigt sie nun übersichtlicher an.
I had to reinstall #Mac #OS9 as I was suddenly running into some weird boot issues, but then again it was a nice opportunity to get a clean OS install going on my #G4 #iMac.
I tried the OS9 9.2.1 CD that came with the original #OSX, but that did not work. I guess it is missing some iMac-specific bits. Regardless, my burned 9.2.2 "universal" installer CD worked beautifully.
And of course, I had to install #SereneScreen #Marine #Aquarium.
#MARCHintosh #RetroComputing #Macintosh #Apple
Orange neon, nieuwe iCandy wallpaper voor Apple apparaten! #wallpapers #iphone #mac #ipad
iOS 19: Weitere Anzeichen für Redesign
Mit iOS 19 soll es ein großes Redesign der Software für das iPhone geben. Dies hätte einige grundsätzliche Änderungen für das Aussehen zur Folge.
Studio Display 2: Angeblich mehrere Varianten geplant
Einem Bericht zufolge soll Apple parallel an mehreren großen Displays arbeiten. Auf ein neues Studio Display wartet man bereits seit 2022.
#blind #mac #voiceOver users, I'm working on a #stream idea to essentially set up a mac from scratch for efficiency/productivity for a blind power user and am gathering tricks, tools and techniques to include in said stream. I know about the obvious like VOCR, Hammerspoon, launchers like raycast/alfred, specialized apps like Drafts/Logic/Vmware Fusion/BBEdit/VS Code, even more specialized stuff like RCMD, Vollama and Shortcat, maybe some Rogue Amoeba stuff. I will also mention VoiceOver features like hotspots, item chooser, fastSearch and activities. Is there anything major I am missing? @FreakyFwoof @pitermach
I have a Macintosh Portable carry-case which does NOT contain a Macintosh Portable and because of that, I suddenly has a sad.
Also, it's clearly meant to open this way up, so why did they place the Macintosh Portable label upside-down?
So, here's my actually-planned-for-this-year #MARCHintosh project. Attached is a photo of four very dusty containers full of floppy disks. These are the actual disks from my childhood IIfx!
Most of these disks aren't original. The originals lived at Dad's workplace. He would periodically bring home software from work, make a copy of the disks, and return the originals to work. These were, I'm told, the "off-site backups", in case there was a fire at the workplace or something like that. But we also had all this software installed on the family IIfx so Dad could read any files that he brought home from work with him.
Of course, we also bought our own software for the home, and those are mixed in with these disks as well. And that stack of CD-ROMs in the top left are my MacAddict cover disks - those are already archived.
Anyway, because these are just consumer-grade diskettes, they degrade quicker than the professionally-manufactured original ones. I've already lost a few, so I want to get these archived! And of course, anything that doesn't already exist on the Garden will be uploaded there and shared on #GlobalTalk as well.
(expect this to be a long-ass foone-style thread with lots of updates over several days)
Tried out InterPrint on my IIfx today and I've got to say, it works beautifully!
This Chooser extension allows you to print to LPR queues over TCP/IP. But unlike the IP printing support in LaserWriter 8 (which "requires" Mac OS 8, though I think you can manually install it on as low as System 7.5.3), InterPrint works all the way down to System 6.0.5! It fully supports PostScript, too.
What this means for me is that after #MARCHintosh is over, I can repurpose my Raspberry Pi, which currently acts as an AppleTalk print server for my local network (and #GlobalTalk, by extension).