@mcc look up InitWare #lang_en #unix #InitWare https://github.com/InitWare/InitWare

@mcc look up InitWare #lang_en #unix #InitWare https://github.com/InitWare/InitWare
rust-fontconfig v1.0.0: pure-Rust alternative to the Linux fontconfig library
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://github.com/fschutt/rust-fontconfig/releases/tag/1.0.0
Download of the day: GIMP 3.0 is FINALLY Here! Let us explore how to download and install GIMP 3.0 on Linux, as well as the new features in this version.
The atrocious state of binary compatibility on Linux
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://jangafx.com/insights/linux-binary-compatibility
Pro tip: You can use `sudo pkg version -vRL=` command to list all upgradeable packages on FreeBSD and then apply those updates using pkg. See https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/pkg-command-list-upgradeable-packages-freebsd/ for more info.
Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟱/𝟬𝟯/𝟭𝟳 (Valuable News - 2025/03/17) available.
Past releases: https://vermaden.wordpress.com/news/
An interesting recap of how the #Plan9 OS developed at Bell Labs, with many familiar names, including, of course, Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Rob Pike, and many others, making appearances.
"What I Saw at the Evolution of Plan 9" by Geoff Collyer
1 januari 1970, kenners weten waarom! #unix https://www.rvo.nl/subsidies-financiering/ipcei/cloud-infrastructuur-en-services-cis
nixCraft (@cyberciti.biz)
Carefully But Purposefully Oxidising Ubuntu
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://jnsgr.uk/2025/03/carefully-but-purposefully-oxidising-ubuntu/
Without looking it up what’s the default text messaging app called on stock Android?
Please note I said default text messaging (ie. SMS/MMS etc) and stock (as in what Google Android Open Source Project and many other Google Play enabled phones run for their OS.
@vkc what I love the most about the terminal is how well it scales.
no only you can say "do-the-thing", but then put it inside a loop;
or a cronjob;
or run it with `watch` to execute again every x seconds or when any file changes;
or search the output for specific results
or export to html and host it somewhere
or etc etc etc.
+ the "do one thing really well" philosophy from #unix
+ pipes
= Magic
The offpunk-users mailing-list has suddenly seen a dramatic increase in volume. People are really starting to use #offpunk and asking questions, trying to understand how it works.
I’m doing my best to answer and helping people getting started. There’s now a "tutorial" command (which is simply redirecting you to https://offpunk.net/ )
People are also asking me about #gemini
Welcome to the #smolnet #SmallWeb #smallinternet #unix , welcome to the #resistance …
@bso2000 Schau mal, was ich gestern Abend in meinem Alteisenarchiv gefunden habe Das ist aus der allerersten Ausgabe ›Offene Systeme‹ vom März 1992. Deine Bücherliste geht auf der nächsten Seite noch weiter. #guug #unixhistory #vintagecomputing #unix
Edit: Das Shell-Buch von Herold hat mich die ersten Jahre meiner Unix-Karriere (ab ca. 1995) zuverlässig begleitet.
If you liked the timeline of Unix shells, this page with the relationships, features and differences between the ash (Almquist) shell variants has a nice timeline too:
And in case you missed the former: https://blog.jutty.dev/notes/shells-timeline/
»Vertraut man den Aussagen von AT&T, SUN, ICL, Siemens und anderen ›Großen‹ des DV-Marktes, so ist die UNIX-V.4-Ära angebrochen und damit (fast) alle Probleme der älteren UNIX-Generationen gelöst.«
Quelle: Offene Systeme Band 1 Nr. 2, Mai 1992. #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #unix
Carefully But Purposefully Oxidising Ubuntu
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/carefully-but-purposefully-oxidising-ubuntu/56995