Short-eared Owl - The nictitating membrane is drawn on one of their eyes, which is the third or translucent eyelid; its function is to clean and protect the eyes, while still allowing the bird to see.
Two photos: the first by Anna Moneymaker, shared by David J. Bier, the second by Chip Somodevilla, shared by Rebekah Scanlan.
If the eyes are the window to the soul, what does it communicate when people wear headgear designed to hide their eyes?
Just asking … for a lot of friends.
#Trump #Melania #hat #eyes #soul
Titel: Little Prayer
(Spraypaint ,Acrylmarker, De-Collage on canvas
framed 30x40 cm)
#art #decollage #modernart #eyes #recycle #paper #color #contemporaryart #myart #painting #streetart #artwork #collage #handmade #gallery #spraypain #acrylicpainting #decollageart #fineart #emotions #beauty #kunst #upcycle #artoftheday #face #malerei #pasteup #decoupage #collageart
Give your #eyes a #break with this one simple trick. - Fairphone
> With our increasingly digital #lifestyles, chances are your eyes need a break. The 20-20-2 #rule is designed to do exactly that.
A new handmade creation inspired by the concept of evil eye protection
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Shop: https://emmanuelleskaly.com/
Happy Hanukkah and Christmas!
- Emmanuelle
An unlucky child born with a heart condition 17,000 years ago also had the earliest known instance of blue eyes. Based on genetic data from his remains, found in what's now Italy, "the infant most likely had blue eyes, dark skin, and curly dark brown/almost black hair," University of Bologna archeologist Owen Higgins and team write in their paper. Science Alert reports: https://www.sciencealert.com/17000-year-old-remains-could-be-oldest-evidence-of-blue-eyes
The eye of a first cycle Glaucous-winged Gull. It was perched on the breakwater close to my perch on the pier down at the Edmonds waterfront. #birds #birding #gulls #nature #naturephotography #birdphotography #photography #eyes #Edmonds #PNW
Chemistry experiments are always fun when it involves singing your eyeballs.
All it takes is powdered magnesium metal and dried silver nitrate... and, of course, a small drop of water to set the whole thing off.
#Larry #Ellison,
who briefly became the world's second-wealthiest person last week when his net worth surpassed #Jeff #Bezos' for a short time, outlined a scenario where AI models would analyze footage from security cameras, police body cams, doorbell cameras, and vehicle dash cams.
"Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that's going on," Ellison said,
describing what he sees as the benefits from automated oversight from AI and automated alerts for when crime takes place.
"We're going to have supervision," he continued.
"...if there's a problem, AI will report the problem and report it to the appropriate person."
Ellison's vision bears more than a passing resemblance to the cautionary world portrayed in #George #Orwell's prescient novel 1984.
In Orwell's fiction, the totalitarian government of Oceania uses ubiquitous "telescreens" to monitor citizens constantly,
creating a society where privacy no longer exists and independent thought becomes nearly impossible.
But Orwell's famous phrase
"Big Brother is watching you"
would take on new meaning in Ellison's tech-driven scenario, where AI systems, rather than human watchers, would serve as the ever-vigilant eyes of authority.
Once considered a sci-fi trope, automated systems are already becoming a reality:
Similar automated CCTV surveillance systems have already been trialed in #London Underground and at the 2024 #Olympics.
#China has been using automated systems (including AI) to surveil its citizens for years.
In 2022, Reuters reported that Chinese firms had developed AI software to sort data collected on residents using a network of surveillance cameras deployed across cities
-- and rural areas as part of China's "#sharp #eyes" campaign from 2015 to 2020.
This "one person, one file" technology reportedly organizes collected data on individual Chinese citizens,
leading to what The Economic Times called a "road to digital totalitarianism."