Weitere Förderung für Rennschlitten- und Bobbahn Altenberg https://www.diesachsen.de/sport/weitere-foerderung-fuer-rennschlitten-und-bobbahn-altenberg-2973619?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=dpa&utm_content=textlink #Bob #Sachsen #Rodeln #Skeleton #Altenberg
Skeleton: Kreher Zweite vor Neise in Altenberg https://www.diesachsen.de/sport/skeleton-kreher-zweite-vor-neise-in-altenberg-2973193?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=dpa&utm_content=textlink #Skeleton #Weltcup #Deutschland #Wintersport #Sachsen #Altenberg
Clearly the intent was to mess with people who will dig these bones up a few thousand years later. And it worked.
As comparison and because I think it's nice to see how much better something can get with a bit of time and "well, it's close to Halloween, why don't you add skulls?"