We just named a new LoRaWAN gateway LoRa Palmer. If it dies there might be some problems with finding out who did it. But we'll always suspect that twisted pair.
@heiseonline Das klingt auch nach einem Fortschritt für die Nutzung von #NBIoT im Umfeld von Bahnstrecken und Bahnhöfen - denn das lag gerne in eben jenen Randfrequenzen. Auch wenn ich #LoRaWAN trotzdem persönlich lieber mag (aber beides hat seine Anwendungsfälle)
Est-ce qu’il y a une communauté #LoRa #LoRaWan #meshtastic sur le Fediverse ?
New Episode: hpr4311 :: LoRaWAN and the Things Stack
Lee sets up some temperature and humidity sensors
Hosted by Lee on Monday, 2025-02-10 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Today on the #HackerPublicRadio #Community #Podcast
Yesss! Das Problem mit meinem STM32 Debugger scheint gelöst zu sein und ich habe auch schon die ersten LoRaWAN Nachrichten von meinem neuen STM32WLE5 basiertem RAKWireless Modul bekommen!
The level of water in our wetlands went up by 2 mm in the past hour. Well within the margin of error. Or that strong wind swayed the tree to which the distance sensor is attached :)
All that I'm saying is that a fucking drought is coming.
Spent half a day trying to get uart2 on a RAK4600 to work, only to find out that contrary to the provided documentation it is not supported
#rak #lora #rakwireless #lorawan
@marleenstikker noemt het zelfs vandaag in #trouw
(Alhoewel 5g wel erg uitdagend is voor Lora. 2g eerder)
Part of why LoRaWAN (like TTN & Helium) have better RF performance than meshtastic (and other lowcost LoRa meshes) is that LoRaWAN makes use of actual gateway chips which enable them to listen to 8 channels at once while meshtastic only uses one static channel at a time.
LoRaWAN gateways can then use intelligent scheduling modes (they call it device classes) to make super efficient use of the 8 channels and possible hop around noise channels too.
In the end TTN/LoRaWAN make a ton of sense for corporate customers or people selling IoT gear to corporate buyers.
It works well where you have coverage. It's well designed and there's tons of quality hardware, though much of it not fully open.
LoRaWAN's claim to fame is that device data connections can be as cheap as $1/year and some of the gear like soil sensors can last for 10yrs on a single coincell battery.
So the problems with the TTN is basically is a SaaS capitalist play. You buy a gateway, connect it to TTN then TTN sells access back to you and your community for your own hardware
They do give a free tier and act open but your hardware and data is THEIR profit center. Lame.
It's got a lot of network coverage in the EU, but never really took off in the US.
In practice the network in the EU is viable, the one in the US isn't.
WEBCAST JAN 16 – IPNSIG Academy: How to Benefit Today from Future Interplanetary Internet Infrastructure: Why and How to Join IPNSIG’s Project Working Group
On Thursday January 16, 2024, at 5pm-6pm EST (23:00-23:00 UTC) the Interplanetary Networking Special Interest Group (IPNSIG) presents an IPNSIG Academy Keynote 'How to Benefit Today from Future Interplanetary Internet Infrastructure: Why and How to Join IPNSIG's Project W
I've also never had an enchanted antenna, +1 to hit.
At last there's some water in the surrounding meadows so I can record changes in water depth. Still not sure whether this is the best way to set up a #LoRaWAN sensor, but the data coming in appear to be legitimate.
Difficult choice regarding the ESP32: use CPP (I'd have to learn it) or MicroPython? Is MicroPython much more power-hungry than CPP? The devices will be running on electric fumes. #LoRaWAN
Managed to get the whole thing running twelve hours before the deadline. All of this stuff was recently completely new to me. Time to sleep.
The last time I did anything with C was over 40 years ago and now I have to relearn some basics because I'm crazy enough to start a new project. How do I put two int16 values in a single 4 byte buffer so I can transmit it over #LoRaWAN?