Android 16 Beta 3.1: Google behebt mehrere Fehler und löst Leistungs-Bremsen #Android16 #Google

Android 16 Beta 3.1: Google behebt mehrere Fehler und löst Leistungs-Bremsen #Android16 #Google
Es reicht übrigens, wenn ein popeliges Zertifikat nicht erneuert wird. Wenn die #cert chain bei endet, und den Update einstellt, brauchen sie nicht mal einen Kill Switch.
#F35 Bomber sind mitgemeint.
"Dein Flugzeug ist nur ein Edge Device meiner Cloud"
Den Witz mache ich üblicherweise mit Herzschrittmachern.
Gerade hat #google uns nochmal daran erinnert
Google introduce Canvas in Gemini, competendo con OpenAI per migliorare la collaborazione con l’IA. Mentre ChatGPT Canvas facilita scrittura e codifica con un’interfaccia intuitiva, la nuova Canvas di Google promette funzionalità simili per un’esperienza utente ottimizzata. #Google #OpenAI #AI #Tecnologia #Innovazione
Googles Schwachstellen-Scanner prüft Container-Layer und Maven-Projekte
Die neue Version von Googles Open-Source-Vulnerabilty-Scanner untersucht Abhängigkeiten in Container-Image-Layern und Maven-Projekten.
A Google-Backed… [Satellite] To [Help] Battle Wildfires Made It Into Orbit
-- <-- shared technical article
-- <-- shared Google FireSat home page
-- <-- shared video overview of FireSat
-- <-- shared Earth Fire Alliance home page
[this post should not be considered an endorsement of this product]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #FireSat #monitoring #fire #wildfire #EarthFireAlliance #Google #satellite #remotesensing #earthobservation #detection #tracking #earlywarning #multispectral #infrared #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #risk #hazard #climatechange #extremeweather #impacts #humanimpacts #infrastructure #damage #AI #machinelearning #emergencyresponse #model #modeling
@Google @GoogleResearch @EarthFireAlliance @MuonSpace
Google said it will acquire cloud security platform Wiz for $32 billion, citing the need for greater cybersecurity capacity as artificial intelligence embeds itself in technology infrastructure. #business #tech #google #ai #acquisitions #cybersecurity
Ein #Bug sorgt unter #Android für Verwirrung. So werden Nutzer immer wieder aufgefordert, die #Google Play Services auf ihrem #Smartphone zu aktualisieren. Ein entsprechendes #Update existiert jedoch nicht.,149679.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
La menace d’ingérence et de compromission des données privées quand elles sont confiées aux géants américains n’a jamais été aussi réelle.
Protégez votre vie privée, il est temps d’agir ! Voici 10 raisons de quitter Gmail...
#mailo #gmail #google #souverainténumérique #cybersecurite #donneesprivees
#US / Discredited pro-Israel organization targets Wikipedia while ignoring its own documented bias
The ADL published a report titled "Editing for Hate" claiming 30 "bad faith" Wikipedia editors conducted a "coordinated campaign" to insert anti-Israel and pro-Hamas narratives. The ADL is demanding that #Google and other #AI companies refrain from using Wikipedia as a source until Wikipedia takes steps to combat what the ADL considers bias in its coverage of Israel.
Right-wing figures are mounting a coordinated assault on #Wikipedia following #trump's reelection, with #musk calling to "defund" the site after it documented his Nazi-style salute at the inauguration, tech executives like #Perplexity's CEO demanding an "unbiased" alternative, the Heritage Foundation planning to use facial recognition and hacked data to "identify and target" volunteer editors, and the New York Post publishing an editorial citing a "bombshell report" claiming Wikipedia equates "true" with "left wing" - all part of what appears to be a strategic campaign to intimidate and undermine one of the internet's last major platforms for transparent, collaborative information that remains free from paywalls and corporate influence and of course.
The infamously unreliable (as per the Wikipedia itself) pro-Israel Islamophobic organization whose CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, isn't bothered at all by Musk's sieg heil, has been accused of:
[…] Even though the ADL is integrated into community work on a range of issues, it has a history and ongoing pattern of attacking social justice movements led by communities of color, queer people, immigrants, Muslims, Arabs, and other marginalized groups, while aligning itself with police, right-wing leaders, and perpetrators of state violence. More disturbing, it has often conducted those attacks under the banner of “civil rights.” This largely unpublicized history has come increasingly to light as activists work to make sense of the ADL’s role in condemning the Movement for Black Lives, Palestinian rights organizing, and Congressional Representative Ilhan Omar, among others.
The #Wikimedia Foundation responded that they found the ADL report "flawed" with "troubling conclusions that are not supported by the Anti-Defamation League's data":
[…] “The values of Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation reflect our commitment to integrity and accuracy, and we categorically condemn antisemitism and all forms of hate. Though our preliminary review of this report finds troubling and flawed conclusions that are not supported by the Anti-Defamation League's data, we are currently undertaking a more thorough and detailed analysis. It is unfortunate that we were not asked to provide context that might have helped allay some of the concerns raised,”
I'll most certainly be adding this to my collection come Thursday morning!
Android Mini Collectible - Pine Pal.
Canvas und Audio Overview: Googles Gemini bekommt neue Funktionen
Canvas hilft samt Vorschau beim Coden und Texten in Gemini, Audio Overviews lassen sich künftig in Gemini erstellen.
Google acquires cybersecurity firm Wiz for $32 billion.
Google’s parent company has announced its largest-ever acquisition, entering into a $32B deal to buy cybersecurity firm Wiz. @theverge has more. #Google #Alphabet #Cybersecurity #Wiz #Tech #Technology
Sichere Cloud: Google zahlt 32 Mrd. US-Dollar für Security-Startup Wiz #Google #Wiz
Google announces agreement to acquire Wiz
KI-Update kompakt: Zoom AI Companion, KI-Bias, AGI, Robotik
Das "KI-Update" liefert werktäglich eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten KI-Entwicklungen.
Google plant Mega-Übernahme: 32 Milliarden Dollar für das Cloud-Security-Startup #Wiz. Die Akquisition soll Googles Position im KI-Sicherheitsmarkt stärken. #Google #CloudSecurity,149669.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Google is buying Wiz for $32B to beef up in cloud security, sources say