unhinged critter sticker selection from my shop
unhinged critter sticker selection from my shop
This is by far the tiniest item I have ever crated with felt!
This is one of my 5 upcoming handmade felt magnets! Because yes, a little magnet is hidden inside its belly and you can attach it anywhere that holds magnets!
I’m hoping to release them before the summer, so stay tuned!
"That hardly ever happens" is another way of saying "it happens".
— Douglas Crockford
It's officially Snow Flea time, spring must be around the distant corner.
Today it will be up to +10 C, and the little springtails are crawling up to the snowy surface to eat algae, fungi, and organic litter. There are so many that sometimes the boot prints in the snow are black with them.
Their bodies contain antifreeze, making them very cold tolerant.
What's the real purpose of Windows 11?
To produce more bugs.
Code smells.
— Martin Fowler
Nach dem jüngsten Feature-#Update berichten etliche Besitzer eines #Pixel-#Smartphones von Problemen. Die betreffen vor allem den #Bildschirm. #Google hat sich bislang noch nicht zu den #Bugs geäußert. https://winfuture.de/news,149413.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
New cicada from #australia just landed:
Yoyetta fumea
Treatment: https://treatment.plazi.org/id/03D60217-CC5D-BA7B-1787-682BFF522562
Publication: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5590.2.1
#Zootaxa #YoyettaFumea
#science #OA #openaccess #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #invertebrates #entomology #insects #hemiptera #bugs #cicadas
New jewel beetle from #china just glittered:
Anthaxia zhengyucheni
Treatment: https://treatment.plazi.org/id/03AB87BC-0F69-FF85-B37F-02462737FC6B
Publication: https://doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2024.2438409
#JournalOfNaturalHistory #AnthaxiaZhengyucheni
#science #OA #openaccess #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #invertebrates #entomology #insects #coleoptera #beetles #bugs #jewelbeetles #jewels
I took a break from politics to do a little prep work in my courtyard garden and discovered a little joy.
The plant pot this chrysalis is attached to is not one that I brought into my garage to protect from freezes. So I am not sure how that chrysalis survived to hatch. Can chyrsalises survive freezing temperatures to allow a butterfly to hatch in spring? Or ???
#Nature is a mystery.
But, seriously - if this is genuine, then it shows total disregard for:
* Their programmers - who they think are idiots
* The gambling compliance folk - whose oversight they rely on, yet now claim is ineffective
They want to blame anyone, other than their own unwillingness to honour its players.
Exclusive: I've uncovered the "programming error" that Paddy Power claim caused their £1,000,000 jackpot was worth only £20k!
The code was:
if (winnings > CEO_MONTH_BONUS) winnings = CEO_MONTH_BONUS;
It should have been:
if (winnings > CEO_MONTH_BONUS) winnings = CEO_MONTH_BONUS;
Any one else let the ladybugs climb to the tip of your finger to watch them take off?
I have a small balcony and been growing various vegetables in pots and bags.
This year, I'm cutting back before selling the apartment later. So I just growing some leafy vegetables, leak, garlic and strawberries.
Sadly I've seen a lot of them disappear and I've been unable to find any snails or slugs until today when I picked up a few leaves from a lettuce to make sandwiches..
And theryit was, the little slug hidden between the leaves waiting to get hungry and eating up one of my last remaining lettuce.
I have no idea how to get rid of them.
We have a HUGE update going out Thursday night at my company that will be going to 225+ clients across the nation.
Yesterday, we were sent the files so we could update and test. We did, and myself and a couple of others found a pretty major bug. We of course reported it and after several hours of testing different things, we were told, oh by the way, this isn't the version that we were sending to the clients.
Wait, what? So you sent us a different version than what the clients were going to get?
@manisha based on some quick inaturalist exploration the beetle seems to be a "Cheilomenes sexmaculata" aka "Six-spotted Zigzag Ladybird"
Für den
#FotoVorschlag 'Punkte' ein Marienkaefer, der Seven-spotted Lady Beetle.