Does anyone recognize a “beati Eurici” listed in an Italian (possibly Sienese) calendar on June 10?
#Medieval #Medievodons @medievodons
Alas, poor Yorick... surely the same name?
@aaronm On: Hermann Grotefend: Taschenbuch der Zeitrechnung there is an Evremundi abbatis for June 10th mentioned.
@aaronm @medievodons The fact that he's 'beati' rather than 'sancti' may mean that he was only venerated locally, and was was not canonised. Thus less likely to be in reference books and dictionaries of saints.
@mssprovenance @medievodons On BSky someone pointed out that Grotefend lists "b. Heinrici de Bolzano (+ 1315) Juni 10: Treviso, A.S.". The n->u is pretty believable as a transcription error, and Treviso is close enough that it makes sense to me
@aaronm @medievodons Yes, that's very plausible. And the scribe's exemplar may have had a misspelling such as "Eurici"
The king of the Visigoths, Euric?